Sunday, May 26, 2019

Im going to try this again.

Hello Everyone,

So im sure you can tell its been a minute since I have written well anything. I swear whenever I get some free time I always think "hey im going to work on my blog," but then reality likes to smack me in the face & say - no your not stupid -now clean up that poop,puke or whatever mess my son, furbabies or the big baby left for me. Oh in case you haven't been following me ( yeah right I know) the "big baby" is one of the many names I refer to my hubby as. It is one of the nicer one. We have been together before Jesus was a baby & have been through just as much so over the years he has earned a few names, (I m sure he will say the same about me though).
  I really do plan on posting a lot more now. what makes me think I will actually do it? There are 14 days left of school, and this is " outlet".
Now most "mom bloggers" will say something like " I love sharing all the wonderful memories my family & I create or "my silly adventures of being a mom" & Hey that might be the the truth & thats just freakin great but, thats very far from my life.
No This is not the blog where your going to see pictures from our latest trip to an island or me flipping out because my son ate a hot dog that wasnt organic. My last "vacation" was a hot bubble bath & if my son will sit down long enough to eat a whole hot dog -Im thrilled!
 I have much bigger issues to worry about. I will get into this more in another post but the short version is...
Im 38. had to stop working at 26 after working for about 14 years,due to R.A. & Crohns. After 3 miscarriages I was blessed with a very special little guy 8 years ago. He is Autistic ( high functioning though) which I can handle, its the ADHD & SEVERE Insomnia that I sometimes think were due to me unknowingly cutting off a voodoo priest in traffic or something. Really, at 8 months old I had to start melatonin after he was up for 20 hrs straight. He would sleep for like an Hours maybe & be up for 8 or 9 when he was an infant. After years of it, I have gotten use to it except now its not 20 hours its 2-3 days if not for the good folks at pfeiser. We are still figuring out a lot, as we know he has Developmental disabilities but, we dont yet know to what extent or why.

  I also have that Big baby I mention early,I got married at 24 after being together for 4 years. We are complete opposites. he comes from a big,old school family, he was the BABY of 8 kids & could do no wrong. I on the other hand am the oldest of 3, it was my little sister & I on our own. I worked full time since 12. His family taught me what family was really like unfortunately Both his mom then, his dad past away before our son was born. Like most mamas boys, my hubby can still act like a spoiled brat. Which If you do follow me you will get to read all about Im sure.
About 3 years ago, we decided that the only way JJ would get the resources he needs to give him the best chance at a successful life would be to move to a better school district. We were living in Baltimore city, well right on the county line,. He was 5. non verbal,still in pull ups & he was given limits I would not accept.
 3 years later he is saying 3-4 words together,writes & just access to so many other things he wont otherwise.
I think thats about it, oh yeah, I have 11 shell, quill or furbabies. Yes I animals each one of them even the fish are rescues. I have a terrible time taking care of them but, I wouldnt chance it.

 You will read all about them on here, I also love Glam eveything - didnt figure me as a "Glam" type of girl. Well Im not the typical I will say that but, I have always loved doing make up, hair, seeing new fashion stuff all of it. I use to be able to drop a few hundred on a new coach purse or eyeshadow pallete. I worked my butt off so I wanted to look good while doing it.,At 19 I made almost 50,000 a year. I still have my gucci taste just on a walmart budget now. I love trying out new stuff & being able to tell people like me if they should or shouldnt spend their money on it. I also garden & love doing DIY stuff.
Im  cant promise I will get to everything immedialy but If you do follow me ican promise you , your going to have a new apprecation for your life & you will laugh. I tend to be too honest and have a pretty rough sense of humor. I always answer questions & respect any feedback good or bad as long as I get it(lol).
Well, thats it for now if your still hear ...
 Thank you so much,apprecite all my readers!!

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