Monday, February 19, 2018

Lavender oil?? Just a few of many uses..

Lavender oil has a vast range of practical uses and benefits. But it’s not just great for it’s calming qualities and irresistible smell! Because of this most people don’t even think to use lavender essential oil for hair growth, when actually it has great properties that will give you healthy, happy hair.

The Benefits Of Lavender Essential Oil For Hair Growth

Do a quick google search about how great lavender oil for hair is and you’ll be amazed at the amount of benefits there are. I could list them all. But I would be writing for days. Here are some of the best benefits I have found!
It Promotes Hair Growth
Various studies have shown lavender oil promotes hair growth in people. For example in one study on alopecia patients it was found that 40% noticed an increase in hair growth when they rubbed lavender essential oils into their scalps. And that’s not all. Another study found when lavender oil was applied to mice their fur growth increased. In fact not only did it increase their fur grew back thicker and faster as well!
It’s Anti-Microbial
Lavender essential oil doesn’t just promote hair growth. It also has anti-microbial properties! One US study found that various strains of bacteria were susceptible to lavender oils. And the stronger the dosage, the more effective it worked! Another study in Poland lavender extracts can be great for treating burns and skin problems. Even more amazingly it was found that lavender was also a great antioxidant and could help prevent cancer!
It Smells AMAZING!
You don’t need any studies to know that lavender essential oils smell fantastic! You know lavender oil is a standard scent in cosmetics and perfumes! While this may not be a benefit of lavender oils showing improved hair growth, it is still an added bonus!
Relieves Itchy Scalps And Dandruff
Due to it’s previously mentioned anti microbial properties, one of the great benefits of lavender oil for hair is the fact that it can help reduce dandruff and itchy scalps! By using lavender essential oil you can help reduce the chance of scalp infections. Therefore promoting healthier hair!

Lavender Essential Oil For Hair Growth Blends

There are countless blends and ingredients you can add with lavender oil to improve your hair growth. And while they all work here are a few of my personal favourites. These blends will improve your hairs growth and overall quality.
For Hair Growth and Thickness
4 drops lavender essential oil.
2 drops essential rosemary oil.
2 drops essential thyme oil.
4 tsp. essential jojoba oil
4 drops lavender essential oil
2 drops rosemary essential oil
1 drops basil  essential oil
4 tsp. essential jojoba oil
For Shine
1 tsp of lavender essential oil
2 tsp of coconut oil

How To Apply Lavender Oil For Hair Growth

Add all oils together and then heat up in the microwave for 5-10 seconds. Once they are mixed thoroughly gently massage them into your scalp. Once done wrap your hair in a towel or wrap. If possible dip the a towel in hot water and let the steam work wonders on your scalp and hair. If this is the technique you plan on using only leave the towel on for 20-30 minutes. However, alternatively you can also wrap your hair in a regular towel and leave on overnight. Ensure that you keep this routine up 2 to 3 times a week for 6 months. And you’ll be amazed at how fantastic your hair will look and feel!
Remember: The ideal time to apply a blend to your hair is when you’ve just got out of the shower. Wait 5 to 10 minutes before apply the blend and then follow the instructions above.

Alternative Uses Of Lavender Oil For Hair Growth

If you don’t have the time to create your own blends, don’t fancy it or don’t have enough ingredients there are a number of alternatives for getting the great benefits of lavender essential oil for hair! For example you could:
Add Lavender Essential Oils To Your Products
If you’ve already got your favourite hair products but still want to use lavender oil why not simply add them together? You don’t have to use much. A rule of thumb that’s good to go by is 2 drops in addition the amount of product you normally use! By doing this you’ll still receive some of the benefits of essential oils but you won’t have to change your whole hair care routine!
Lavender Oil Hair Mask
Don’t have the time to add a lavender oil blend to your hair every few days? Then why not use a hair mask once per week. While it may not be as great for your hair growth as the blends, it is still effective AND time efficient as well.

Things To Watch Out For

While there are many amazing benefits to using lavender essential oil for hair growth, you do need to be careful of a few things. While none of these problems are going to cause you serious harm, they are still best avoided when possible.
Too Much Can Lead To Skin Irritation
Remember, lavender oil is still an essential oil and should not be directly placed onto your scalp without being blended with a carrier oil. If you find that after using lavender oil on your scalp you notice dandruff getting worse or any sort of rash stop using immediately!
While this could be due to just a skin irritation. It could also be a sign that you are allergic to lavender.
Tip: It’s always good to try a small amount of essential oil on your skin with a carrier oil beforehand to ensure you aren’t allergic.
Lavender Oil Will Not Hydrate Your Hair
Always remember lavender essential oil is not a moisturiser and cannot hydrate your hair! If your hair needs hydrating or moisturising make sure you use a suitable product NOT essential oils.
Don’t Ingest Lavender Essential Oil
This one should go without saying but just in case, be sure never to ingest lavender oil or get in your eyes. If you do get it in your eyes by accident be sure to wash them out thoroughly with cold water! And try to let it happen as little as possible.

Has This Article Helped?

I hope this article helped! And if it did make sure you share it with all your friends so you can all enjoy luscious, healthy locks! If you want to know more about lavender essential oils check out how it can help your acne!

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